Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Beautiful day in January

The first full moon of the year and Nature is beautifully covered in white and the weather completely calm.

It is like Mother Nature is waiting for something.

The air is cold but clear and everything seems brighter than usual. 
We see the strong colours of the plants through the ice crystals. 
Through which you feel the heartbeat of the Life within.

The loud sound from stepping on frozen moss, makes you want to stand still and not interrupt 
the peaceful sleep of the plants.

Soon the sun will melt the frozen ground again which will 
wake up and smile back to us in blooming flowers.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A few photos taken Jan. 11th

I accompanied my husband to work the other day. He was visiting this lovely place Alviðra,
I took my camera with me .... of course :-)

The sun was coming up just before 10 in the morning.

A beautiful morning :-)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Cold but beautiful days

The year 2010 starts with cold but beautiful weather here in Iceland.

The land is frozen, the ocean is "irritated" but the mountains are still there bathed in the wonderful wintersun.

Mt. Esja seen from Reykjavík. It stands like a guardian to shelter our capital city from the northern wind.

 Between the mountains we see a glimpse of the fjord Hvalfjörður, like a faraway dream.

The little island Viðey, just off the coast of Reykjavík and Mt. Esja in the background.