Saturday, July 12, 2008

My studio

My window and door to the balcony of my Ravens Nest.

We have been blessed with sunny and warm days for about 6 weeks in a row! It is not usual in Iceland to have the same weather day after day for so long and we have all really enjoyed it. Except it means we have to water the gardens and some farmers have lost some of their grass. But today makes up for it, it rains like God wants to clean the ground right through, all in one day!
But it is dry and warm in here, in my studio, my "Ravens Nest" and I have a lot to do before the exhibition. Even though it is only for one day, it takes time to prepare the pictures. But it is fun and I really look forward to next Saturday.
But better keep going
Rags /Ragga


Anonymous said...

Rags, I have not seen pictures of your studio since you moved, and this is very nice, very VERY nice! I love the cottons in the sun, too!
My studio is in stacks and piles right now as I end one phase of projects and need to sort and put away materials before I start a new phase. It seems I may have a neat and clean house or a neat and clean studio, but not both at once!
Takecare- Nancy

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is so difficult to have a google id, because someone has already one at this address, they say, which I do not understand, so I am just "Anonymous," I suppose!

RagJó said...

Hi Nancy "Anonymous" ;-)

thank you for your comment. Oh I DO know about trying to keep both house and studio clean at the same time.... not possible haha
And while working on this project now, well, I do not invite people who check for dust.... Art comes first, right? :-)

Take care and keep stitching!