Friday, June 26, 2009

The Elves Little Oracle Cards

During the week of midsummer when the nights in Iceland are bright as day, I published my new oracle cards. I call them "The Elves Little Oracle Cards".
The elves and other hidden beings in Nature have been a part of us Icelanders from the beginning. Almost every cliff, waterfall, mountain and knoll has beings living inside. Water sprites, dwarfes, the friendly elves and the "next door neighbors" the hidden people. They are all part of our history.

My husband Lárus is helping me making a new website for all my projects. In there you will find more about the cards and the Friendship Tapestry. The Stitching Elf embroidery patterns is in working progress. We will be adding new things to all the pages on the website in the next few days and weeks.

Enjoy the bright days and night in the north and the cool winter days in the south. :-)
Love and friendship
Ragga / Rags



Hello Rags, Up there in the Great Far North. I look forward to seeing your cards and the new website. Enjoy your lovely summer. My gardens are in full bloom and I do enjoy looking at them everyday. Big Hugs Judy

RagJó said...

Dear Judy, good to see your comment. Isn´t it just wonderful to enjoy the riches of summer?! All the wonderful colors and fragrance. Stock up for winter time ;-)