Sunday, July 26, 2009

Warm days in the north

This summer has been unusually warm and wonderful in Iceland.

Dúfa, my doggy, had to find the fragrance for herself, imitating both me and the bees :-)
I can never get enough of these wonderful rose bushes. It amazes me everyday how beautiful the colour is and the fragrance mmmmm ....
And for a thread and fabric addict like myself, I always start thinking of what kind of thread would fit best to stitch them ;-)
This little elf man, I painted and then printed on silk fabric. I used hand dyed silk and fine wool to stitch him and a branch of a rose(of course ;-) for his walking staff. This is one of the pictures on my exhibition last weekend.
The family enjoys ice cream in the little garden. Do you see the kitty trying to steal a lick from the bowl?

One of our cats, "Magni the little Viking kitty" broke his leg the other day, during some adventure outside. He is now home from the animal hospital, getting better and learning to use this strange stiff leg.
Poor little Magni, but the other animals and our dear little granddaugther make sure he gets a lot of hugs and comfort :-)
The family (some with two and some with four legs ;-) spends as much time as possible in this tiny little garden. I always carry with me a bag or a basket full of: a stitch project, my Elf cards, the phones and of course my coffee mug.

Today is cloudy but it feels nice though. My husband and I are working on the website it still needs some fixing. But have a look, check out the Friendship Tapestry pieces, there are some gorgeous art, curious kind of works, warm and cheerful, old style and new methods. The Friendship Tapestry is really a collection of ways to do needlework as well as showing friendship between all people around our planet.

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